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How to Ship Your Website 5x Faster Than 96% of Startups

I've worked on Structural Analysis software, Advertising Attention Measurement Software, and one of the world's largest and fastest growing tech social enterprises. Here's what I've learnt about getting an MVP ready...FAST.

Steve Richardson profile picture
Steve RichardsonSenior Software EngineerAug 26, 2024 • 3 min read

11 out of 12 Startups Will Fail 💀

That's right, well at least that's what StartupGenome reported in 2019 and it's as comforting as a wet sandwich.

And 35% of these failures can be attributed to running out of cash. If you're already starting to panic, don't worry – here's the comfort switch.

I've worked on:

takes deep breath...

  • Structural Analysis software (SkyCiv) 🏗

  • Advertising Attention Measurement Software (Playground XYZ / GumGum) 👁

  • I've made 9 iOS apps and 1 Android app

  • I currently work at Humanitix, one of the world's largest and fastest growing tech social enterprises (they give away millions of dollars 😵 - check them out)

  • I'm currently working on multiple side projects including ShipNow 🌱 and Grolia 🍄

  • I've made something-million windows applications to solve all sorts of problems (and non-problems, oops)

  • I often make random things like the weirdest/most fun portfolio you've ever seen. get the picture.

And so here's what I've learnt about getting an MVP ready...FAST.

Stop wasting your f***ing time building the parts that already exist.

Let's Talk Money 💰

Now that you've got me worked up, and confetti flying everywhere, let's talk numbers.

Consider this, you're making a web app in which you need the flexibility to spread your wings and write code instead of using platforms which create pages that look like a div-soup.

  • First things first, you choose your framework, Next.js, not too difficult – 1 hour

  • Now you need a UI library, Tailwind/DaisyUI, nice – 1 hour

  • Into the juicy stuff, a database, firebase – 5 hours

  • Authentication, firebase auth – 4 hours

  • Cr@p, we need to take payments, Stripe – 4 hours

  • We're going to need to send emails so people can ignore them, Mailgun – 4 hours

  • We better build out some reusable business specific components – 8 hours

  • Oh, the damn landing page, every bloody time - 8 hours (and for 8 hours it is going to look no better than the Berkshire Hathaway website – yeah the owner of that is worth $138 Billion)

Well, thats got most the tech sorted, oh wait, we need a headless CMS, 8 hours.

If you're a gun, maybe this won't take so long. But if you don't have much coding experience...

So assuming you kinda know what you're doing, we clocked 43 hours up there.

What does your time cost? What does a developer cost? In Aussie dollars (which I'm not even sure if they're real anymore), it costs approximately $150-$200 Australian Monopoly Dollars.


and you haven't even started writing the code FOR YOUR ACTUAL PRODUCT 🥲

I Made A Template 🌱

After going through the same process every time I got distracted from the current project... and starting another project, I thought, how have I not made any templates for this?

So I did. And then my friends started asking for them (yeah I'm also surprised I have friends).

Wait, people want these? Yeah, of course they do Steve, unless they hate money and time.

And now here we are, on a website that will get you up and running for about 2% of the cost. Probably even less if we account for all the unforeseen stuff. This means you can focus on the important things, like what to name your startup after you pivot (35 hours 🤦‍♂).

The Next.js Boost Template is going to have 35 of those hours above complete, in a couple of clicks.

  • Next.js

  • Tailwind CSS

  • DaisyUI

  • TypeScript

  • Firebase

  • Stripe

  • Mailgun

  • UI Components

  • SEO Optimized

  • Conversion Focused

  • Responsive Design

  • Quick Start Guide

  • Documentation

Fun fact: ShipNow was built on top of the Boost template and TBH, it took me about a month of working most nights to get the Boost template to a place I was happy with (way more than 35 hours).

Now it's your move. Stop screwing around with your Startup idea and ShipNow.

More templates to come.


Q: But Steve, I like to build things from scratch.
A: Do you hate time and money?

Q: But Steve, can’t I just figure this out as I go?
A: Do you hate time and money?

Q: Steve, isn’t it better to take my time and get everything perfect?
A: Do you hate time and money?

Q: But Steve, won’t using a template make my project less unique?
A: If your project’s uniqueness relies on you hand-coding email integrations, we need to talk about your priorities.

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