Next.js Boost Template

What’s Included

  • TurboRepo for monorepo management

  • Mailgun for email services

  • Firestore for database management

  • Firebase Auth for authentication

  • DaisyUI and TailwindCSS for modern UI components

  • Stripe for payment processing

  • More...

ShipNow - Next.js Boost Template Preview


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Git CLI

  • Node.js (version 20 or higher)

  • Firebase CLI

  • Stripe CLI

  • A Code Editor (VS Code, WebStorm, etc.)

  • Yarn, pnpm, or npm - We will use Yarn workspaces in this guide

This template uses Yarn workspaces to manage the monorepo. If you prefer npm or pnpm, you can still use them. You may need to adjust the scripts in the root package.json file.

Get it running!

# Install dependencies

# Start the development server
yarn dev

Now open http://localhost:3000 in your browser. And you have a running Next.js app!

Clone the env example file

From the root of the monorepo, run:

mv apps/web/env.example apps/web/.env.local

Make your first commit

git init && git add . && git commit -m'first commit 🔥'

Last updated Sun Aug 18 2024